Do you have high functioning depression?

Exceptional coping can separate people categorized as “high functioning” and not considered functionally impaired. This can often occur when someone becomes heavily reliant on a specific stress reaction to carry on with their daily routine. It might be extreme dissociation or compartmentalization to numb themselves from the neck down. While these strategies may seem helpful over time, cracks emerge. Their coping will deteriorate as they realize they cannot apply these same methods in every situation. 

Sometimes coping can be more dangerous than showing severe symptoms. People with high functioning depression are often able to maintain their responsibilities and relationships, so their distress may go unnoticed. This constant stress of trying to keep up appearances while struggling with depression symptoms can lead to anxiety and moodiness. Those using high-functioning coping strategies can be overlooked and can convince others they do not need support or care. These are the people that often fall through the cracks and have catastrophic outcomes when extreme coping fails. High functioning coping does not mean healthy.

Just because you can keep up appearances doesn’t mean you’re not battling private distress. Your health matters and reaching out for support is a vital step towards genuine healing and lasting resilience. The message is not to downplay depression just because one can still manage expected duties and roles.

About the Author: Daniel Wysocki, Ed.S., is a board-certified professional in psychology with over ten years of experience providing counseling and psychological testing. Based in Jonesboro, Arkansas, he provides comprehensive services to clients of all ages, including children, teens, adults, and families.

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