Fail Forward to Success

Failing Forward

Your values are what gives your life meaning, inspiration, and motivation. When our core values are threatened by failure it can create an existential crisis, and an emotion-driven urge to action. Daniel Wysocki Ed.S., a counselor in Jonesboro, AR has observed that failure can result in learned helplessness, leading to feelings of loneliness and unproductive responses like chronic anxiety, depression, and anger. Therefore, it is equally important to focus on the client’s interpretation of the failure as it is to work through the activation event. By asking, “What is this in service of?” He can provide counseling to client find meaning in their failure and how it has changed their belief about themselves and others. This is the first crucial step that can allow the client to feel comfortable learning from their failure and reduce their all-or-nothing thinking. Then, they can begin to learn how to adapt to these challenges and manage distressing failures. 

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